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DHI Hair Transplant Turkey

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a painless hair transplant procedure that utilizes the most modern technology for treatments. The DHI method is a hair transplant procedure that takes into account the aesthetics of the patient as well as the comfort of the transplanting surgeon and his team.


No need to open any hole/channel in the area to be used for the hair follicles taken for transplantation and the hair follicles are directly transplanted with a special device.


Since there is no need to open a canal in the area to be used, more follicles can be transplanted and this allows for a denser transplantation.


The healing process with this technique is shorter than other methods.

The most important advantage of the DHI method is the implantation density.


Thanks to the hair transplantation devices used in this method, hair follicles are transferred directly to the desired direction and a more natural appearance is obtained. The hemorrhagic condition caused by the FUE method is absent in the DHI method. Bleeding is minimal due to the use of nano-tips of hair transplant devices.

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